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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Delhi Men Are Gropers : Quoted By Female Celebrities !

Women are not safe in Delhi: The ongoing debate.. 
Delhi, the capital city of India is not a safe place for women. On an average, we all agree to this statement. Every following day the newspapers are flooded by some or the other news over the issue of  women security in the city. The common people always complain about the current women security standards in Delhi. But what makes the news thought provoking is that even Bollywood Celebrities do not feel safe in Delhi.

Gul Panag, former Miss India and Bollywood Actress, complained about eve teasing in Delhi on Twitter, a social networking website. According to Gul Panang's tweet : "Delhi men won't let go of any opportunity to touch women." After reading this tweet post many inhabitants of Delhi felt offensive. According to them just because of the misdeeds of one or two people, we can not blame the whole city.
However, Gul Panag was defensive and later said that she has full right to generalize the statement as it is not about a celebrity but about every women in Delhi. She strongly felt that women of Delhi would agree to her experience. Apart from Gul Panag, few other bollywood celebrities are of the same opinion. In an interview with Hindustan Times,Minnssha Lamba, actor and model said " Men are same every where .. their behavior depends on their social conditioning" Sophie Choudry, a singer, also said "The average Delhi Guy still has a slightly regressive attitude towards women." Gul was in Delhi, to participate in the Delhi Half Marathon on Sunday. Unfortunately the actress did not return back to Mumbai with a pleasing memory of the capital city of India. 

Such reports are shameful, but sadly that is the burning reality of our capital city.  


comme dans beaucoup de ville... et encore plus quand il y a un certain puritanisme....
les femmes doivent encore ce battre pour ce faire respecter. quand cela finira t'il?

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